Emergency Dentist East Auckland
Do you need access to an emergency dentist in East Auckland? The team of experienced dentists and technicians at Dental Solutions offer quality dental care and leading emergency dentistry, combining expertise with state-of-the-art technologies to deliver urgent dental care. Contact our friendly staff today to request your appointment.
In the case of a dental emergency, call your regular dentist if possible. They should be your first option if you have suffered an injury that requires immediate dental medical attention. For pressing dental emergencies, a phone call may be all that is required to help you manage the immediate problem. If treatment is required urgently, your dentist may have alternative arrangements in place.
In other cases, you may need emergency dental treatments to help alleviate pain caused by ongoing conditions. Read on to see your options.
Emergency Dental Treatment
Dental emergencies can result from numerous sources. Many are the result of accidents, but they can also result from normal wear and tear. Sadly, many of our emergency treatments are a result of procrastination, as people often ignore the early warning signs of a larger issue. Early detection and treatment of dental problems will often allow you to avoid unnecessary pain.
Early treatment options are often less drastic, time consuming, and costly. Regular dental examinations are the best possible method of avoiding a dental emergency.
Dental Solutions is licensed to contract emergency dental services through ACC, Work & Income NZ, and some Community Service Card holders, although this one is a bit tricky—call our clinic and we can talk you through it! Much of the work we do for ACC, WINZ, and eligible Community Service Card holders is to alleviate pain.
Pain Relief Clinic
Each day we have dedicated times specifically for emergency dentistry pain relief. You will need to phone in early to secure one of these time slots, as they can fill up quickly—don’t wait to search for emergency dentists open now, book in advance if possible. Fill out the form below to request your appointment.

Get in touch with Dental Solutions Ellerslie
Fill out the form below, or contact us using these details:
Clinic: 09 525 0959
Mobile: 021 889 355
Email: ellerslie@dentalsolutions.co.nz